Aug 26▸ Inside Nota AIHow Best to Explain What an AI company Does?A Humanities Major’s Adaptation to Nota AI
Aug 1▸ Nota Crew StoryNota's Alternative Military ResearchersInterview with Kyunghwan Shim and Junkyung Choi
Jun 10▸ Inside Nota AINota's Company CultureReflections on where we've come from, and where we're going.
Feb 28▸ Nota Crew StoryHow secure are you really?Interview with Hyunho Shin (Infra), Hayoun Jeong, and Suna Lee (ILC)
Sep 18, 2023▸ Nota Crew Story[Intern-view] When Interns Become 'Out-terns'An interview with some of Nota's ex-interns
Aug 1, 2023▸ Inside Nota AIOnboarding: Taking your first steps with Nota AIHow we do Knowledge Distillation for the newbies