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How Best to Explain What an AI company Does?


As a new hire, it has been three weeks since I joined Nota. During my orientation I've been trying to acclimatize and immerse myself in the company culture. I've read materials, attended meetings, and had lengthy chats with my new colleagues. Along the way I've encountered many new concepts and field-related vocabularies that are new to me.

Hello, Nota AI!
Hello, Nota AI!

As this is my first company, I began to ask myself, is this what corporate life is like? Every day feels like a school day. I've been excitedly jotting down new words and terminologies, enjoying the process of learning their meanings and uses. As I learned more, I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the fundamental work that Nota does and how it impacts the world. I am not well-versed in coding or development, and I don't have any background working with AI. Questions about machine learning, deep learning, LLM, and SLM continued to elude me. At times, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the answers.


ㅣWhat is it that Nota does exactly?

Looking around our office, you can't help but notice the prominent slogans on the walls. One reads, "Hardware-aware AI optimization and edge AI solutions." Its prominent location by the door means that the phrase will be read by everyone, likely several times per day. But what does it mean exactly? What is hardware-aware AI? What are edge AI solutions?

Nota AI envisions a world where AI is ubiquitous.
Nota AI envisions a world where AI is ubiquitous.

I quickly learned that "Hardware-aware AI optimization and edge AI solutions" is Nota's primary mission. It is fundamental to what we do, and dictates how we operate as a company, guiding our progress. As Nota grows and expands, more and more team members will join us on our journey. This is a great thing, of course, but as our numbers increase and roles become more specialized and separated, our founding mission and principles risk becoming diluted. Our CTO Talks were established with this challenge in mind, and serve as a valuable opportunity to reconnect and maintain our collective vision for the future.


Like many other IT companies, Nota is broadly divided between two categories; development, and non-development. Prior to working with Nota, I assumed that knowledge of AI was primarily for those working in development. Perhaps this was naive, or I underestimated my own ability to understand some of the more technical sides of development. But in my short time with the company, I have come to realize that all of our work is deeply connected to the world of AI, and that understanding some of the development is beneficial, and not as daunting as I had imagined. My realization came during a work presentation, “Explaining Nota Without Technical Terms”, hosted by our CTO, Tae-ho Kim.

I believe that understanding the broader context of the work we do can enhance our efficiency. From this perspective, I was eager to learn more about how the AI world operates, what Nota is doing, and the challenges we are currently facing.

-Tae-ho Kim's session invitation message-

ㅣHow can we explain Nota in simple terms?

Over the course of your life, you've probably noticed the shift from analog to digital across many spheres of society. Traditional methods of working with books were replaced by internet search engines, which were then surpassed by video content. YouTube has become a major research tool for many people, which is a testament to how much technology has changed the modern world. Progress is a fact of history; tools and technologies are invented and evolve to make our lives easier and more convenient. In recent years, AI has taken center stage, and we are making significant contributions to this revolution.

What industries and customers does Nota AI serve?
What industries and customers does Nota AI serve?

Beginning with NetsPresso, which efficiently optimizes AI models for various applications, we are expanding our remit to develop diverse AI solutions across a range of industries like AD, SDV, Surveillance, Home IoT, and Mobility.

To make an analogy, Nota is like the facilitator who ensures delicious and nutritious dishes are successfully created in the kitchen. Our AI engineers are the chefs, and their fundamental ingredients are data and models. Just like in a kitchen, the quality of the ingredients will determine the quality of the final dish. The tools and utensils that make cooking more efficient are our AI optimization techniques and our very own NetsPresso. Everyone at Nota has a role in the kitchen, crafting dishes and creating new recipes and cooking techniques.

ㅣTechnology as a gateway

Tae-ho's CTO Talk helped me to understand that new technologies needn't be a barrier to understanding. Indeed, with the right knowledge, technology can be a gateway into a new world. Knowing more deeply what AI actually is, and understanding the what and why of Nota, has helped me to settle in and work more effectively with my new colleagues.




Though it is still early days in my journey, it is obvious that Nota places a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. From the welcoming messages of support I received on my first day, to the atmosphere of open questioning and mutual support, the culture of connection and collaboration runs deep. Thanks to Tae-ho's talk, I and many others came away with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Nota and the work that our colleagues do, day in and day out.

Today, I draw inspiration from the messages on our walls, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the future of AI in my own small way.
Today, I draw inspiration from the messages on our walls, and I'm looking forward to contributing to the future of AI in my own small way.


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