Imagine. It's 11:30 in the morning, time for lunch. The office workers head to a restaurant. At times like these, in the hustle and bustle of a busy day, each restaurant has its own system. Some take reservations, while some do not. Some take advance orders, while others make you wait in line. Each establishment has its own way of operating, with maximum efficiency, discovered through trial and error. Nota too, is looking to find its own path, to find a Nota-ness.
As more and more people join us on our journey, we grow together. Just like chefs in the kitchen, we are busy making preparations for our new arrivals, to show them our own true colors and language.

How did the Nota team blog arise?
As above, the team blog is a key ingredient in our recipe.
Our People & Culture team assembled the blog to showcase our company to the world. Anyone curious about us, or the work that we do, can find everything on the team blog. We have achieved rapid growth in recent years, and the blog is a one-stop shop to follow that journey. That being said, it is not limited to a simple retelling of our company history. We also use the blog to highlight some of our more interesting ideas, landmarks and achievements, we want the reader to imagine themselves working with us. To see Nota as a unique opportunity.
What stands out to you the most about the team blog?
There are a couple of things that come to mind.
Firstly, it brought us closer together. It's hard to believe now, but just a few years ago, Nota was a small company of less than ten people. Over the last few years, we have expanded beyond our wildest expectations. After initially moving from Daejeon to Seoul, we then moved from the general vicinity of Seolleung Station, to right in front of it. Naturally, the number of employees increased in tandem as we became bigger. Unfortunately, it was around this time that the pandemic hit. We soon found ourselves locked away from one another, our company was bigger, but everything seemed smaller. The circumstances of the pandemic made it harder to communicate with one another, which is where the blog came to the rescue.
The blog gave everyone the opportunity to talk, share ideas and learn. The blog covers all aspects of Nota life. From our working philosophy, to our history, from past events to future plans. The team blog became a bonding experience, it allowed us to stay connected when everyone was forced to be apart. At the same time, the team blog became a preview of sorts for new or prospective employees. People can,at a glance, read about the successes of Nota, and understand our philosophy.
Secondly, it gave us a chance to show our true colors. In our younger days, Nota was a bit of a blank canvas, and that was reflected in our early blogs. After relaunching the blog in a new form on our website, it has gone from strength to strength. Just like an artist, we are expressing ourselves with our own colors.

Nota Opinion – Speak your mind.
One aspect of the blog that we are particularly proud of is the Nota Opinion page. Here, one member of the Nota crew selects a topic of their choosing and writes a column on it. It ranges from industry trends, to in-house ideas and more. Whatever they want to highlight and emphasize, they are free to do so. It gives everyone a voice to share their opinions. By going through this process together, we create shared experiences and bonds, forming a Nota-ness together. These are our true colors.
I try to look at it from both sides. I was on the outside once as a jobseeker, looking to find out more about the company. I wanted the new blog to help people like this, to give them a peek behind the curtain so to speak. This is why we created the pages Inside Nota and the Nota Crew Story. On these pages, people can learn about what life is like at Nota, and even pick up some useful hints and tips for job interviews!
Finishing Up
It hasn't all been plain sailing. Failures and frustrations are inevitable when we try something new. An artist never paints a perfect picture on the first try, and chefs take years to craft the perfect recipe.
Sometimes things don't work out as we plan, but at the end of the journey lies a better future. Just as the chef continues to prepare food for his customers, and the artist creates for his patrons. We will continue to paint with our own colors, as we shape our own future.