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Mingling 2.0 – Let's Mingle Again!

Two years ago, our Nota family doubled in size when we went from 40 to 80 employees in the space of a year. While this was obviously a positive sign of success, the sudden growth also revealed some hidden flaws that we weren't aware of. From our inception, we have cultivated an open atmosphere of communication and collaboration. But when our team suddenly doubled in size, there seemed to be an invisible barrier between our new recruits and longer standing members. Looking to bring everyone together, we set out to bridge the gap, and that's how Mingling was born.

So what is Mingling exactly? The name itself is derived from the word 'mingle', which means to mix and blend. Mingling is the coming together of the whole Nota crew, regardless of status, age or gender. Every second and fourth Wednesday of the month, we have a company-wide Mingling!

Given the number of employees, we decided to form rotational groups of 8 or 9 members, ensuring that everyone would meet at least once or twice throughout the duration that made up the first season. Considering Nota's open approach to flexible working time and telecommuting, we did have some slight trepidation that it might be difficult to get everyone together at the same time, but fortune favors the brave! With cautious optimism, the first session was held in May 2022.




Humble beginnings

It was awkward at first, but that's alright

You can imagine how it went in the beginning. Though attendance was voluntary, how many of us asked ourselves, “Do I really have to go? I'm quite busy these days!”

We encouraged participation as much as we could. After some explanations of the concept, and the purpose, we got the ball rolling. It was baby steps at first, small groups of colleagues began to congregate in the lounge, drinking coffee or eating ice-cream together. Some even took walks outside together, taking photos of Seonjeongneung, and sharing them on the new #MingleMingle channel to spark conversation among the group.

Meet in the middle

As time passed, we all became a bit more comfortable with it, and Mingling was soon a fun part of Nota life. This was most evident on the suddenly very active #MingleMingle channel, where little rules and in-jokes began to spring up. The channel was primarily used to indicate Mingling attendance or absence, and to share restaurant recommendations and such, creating a sense of community. New team members were also able to easily and comfortably introduce themselves to the group, asking any questions they might have, and receiving helpful answers from their new colleagues.

When the Berlin office visited Seoul, they quickly jumped into the conversation too. Suddenly, Mingling was a lot of fun. “Do I really need to go?” became “When is the next Mingling?”

#밍글링 참석/불참석 쓰레드
#MingleMingle – Attendance and absence are indicated by O and X.

End of Season 1

The first season of Mingling concluded on February 23rd. Initially we had only planned for 8 sessions, but it was such a huge success that we doubled that to 16. It wasn't long after the final session before people began to ask “When is Mingling coming back?” or “Will there be a Season 2?”

The good news is yes! Season 2 will begin soon, though we have not set a definitive date.

Reflecting on the experience: Appreciating what we achieved with Mingling

Mingling helped us to grow closer, to talk with people we wouldn't have otherwise had the chance. It gave use the opportunity to listen to the opinions and experiences of others, and to share our own. Over coffee, ice-cream, and delicious meals, we gradually became more acquainted and built friendships that might not have otherwise existed. Nota is a better place to be thanks to Mingling.


Some of the most commonly asked questions from Nota members.

Q. Are the groups really random? Sometimes I am in the same group as last time.

A. Funny you should ask that. Groups were randomly assigned through an Excel macro, but the limitations of the software meant that we couldn't account for previous weeks when compiling new groups. In some cases, you might indeed have been put in the same group more than once. Thankfully, we have addressed this issue ahead of Season 2! Some of our developers offered to create a new Mingling program in Python, and we will use that going forward to ensure every group is truly random! 😊

Problem-solving ahead of Season 2

Q. Is attendance mandatory?

A. This was perhaps the question we were most asked when Mingling was launched. Presumably this was because Mingling took place over lunch! Mingling is not mandatory, our intention is merely to offer everyone the chance to enjoy a meal with others, getting to know people we otherwise wouldn't. No one is forced or coerced to participate, and no judgments are made upon those who choose not to attend.

Q. Is it OK to spend so much company money? Isn't Mingling too expensive?

A. Before launching Mingling, expenses were one of our main concerns. While it obviously has a cost, we feel that the benefits far outweigh any financial considerations. Seeing the positive growth and camaraderie throughout the team, it is clear to everyone that Mingling is worth it, and we look forward to Season 2!




Expectations and Achievements

The dramatic increase in our staff numbers coincided with the pandemic, and the resulting prolonged periods of remote work. As a result, new colleagues felt like strangers, or video game NPCs that only existed online. When the time finally came to head back into the office, first encounters were often awkward. Introducing yourself from behind a mask isn't easy, especially when you only know the person from their online avatar.

As the volume of work within the company increased, it became difficult to remain close with our team members, gaps began to appear and people drifted apart as they focused on their work. When we realized what was happening, we set out to fix the problem. After a long period of isolation and stress from the pandemic, Mingling helped bring us together again. Through Mingling, we began to communicate and collaborate more effectively, making friendships in the process. We transformed into a more wholesome, communicative and inclusive culture, which continues to this day as we wait for Season 2.

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