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The ITS World Congress 2022


The Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress (ITSWC) is an annual event showcasing the latest developments in transportation technology and infrastructure. Every year, companies from around the world gather to exhibit and exchange ideas and information, to push the field forward in new and exciting ways.

The 28th ITS World Congress was held in Los-Angeles.

The latest congress was a four-day event held in Los Angeles from September 19th to 22nd. Given Nota's blossoming work within ITS technology, we decided to attend to learn and share what we can. The following interview is a report from two of our ITS team members that were in attendance. Wondong Kim, a front-end engineer, and Hwanhyo Park, a teach lead.


Preparing for the ITS World Congress.

From left to right, hwanhyo Park and Wondong KIm.

From the initial steps of preparation, to traveling and attending, you both worked very hard. What was your experience like?

Wondong – First of all, I was grateful for the opportunity, and very much looked forward to participating in the ITSWC. Developers rarely participate in exhibitions, so I was happy when Nota gave me the chance. It was a valuable experience, we all learned a lot, and grew together as a team.

What was your role in the exhibition?

Hwanhyo – We all had something different to do. As tech lead, I worked in collaboration with the business team and lead developers, to focus on how we can promote our ITS products to potential customers.

Wondong with ITS team members at the Nota booth.

Wondong – As part of a team, I prepared a demo to visualize our ideas to the audience. But given that I am primarily an ITS developer, I was also involved with the exhibition in a more hands-on fashion, being responsible for the overall installation and on-site response. As someone who often works remotely, it was nice to participate in an event like this.

Did the ITS team have any specific goals for the exhibition?

Wondong – First and foremost, as developers, we sought feedback from users, and we were interested in the market response to our technology. Additionally, given that the ITSWC is attended by many leading companies in the field, we had high expectations to learn and gain valuable insight for business and commercialization. We prepared well in advance, to gain as much as we could during the event.

Anyone who works at Nota will be aware of how much effort you put into your preparation. I remember being particularly impressed with your crosswalk installation that was conceived in our Seoul office. From a developer's perspective, could you explain some more about this demonstration?

Wondong – The demo can be divided into two main categories. The first is the dashboard demo. This covers three proposed solutions; AI Traffic Camera, AI Safe Crossing, and AI Traffic Signal Control.

Nota ITS solutions. AI Traffic Camera, AI Safe Crossing, and AI Traffic Control.

The goal of these measures is to heighten the efficiency of traffic indicator measurement, and to ensure people's safety through Nota's AI optimization technology. Each individual dashboard demo showcases our solutions.

A small taste of an ITS team demo.

The demo you mentioned earlier was an artificial pedestrian crossing that was installed as part of our exhibition preparations. The demo shows how AI Safe Crossing can be applied in live, real-world settings. Once installed, it can analyze pedestrians crossing the road, and determine the level of safety in relation to passing vehicles.

A live demonstration of AI Safe Crossing, at a crosswalk installation.



What was the reaction of people in Los Angeles to Nota?

How was your reception in Los Angeles?

Wondong – Our booth was very busy throughout the exhibition, and the response was very positive. There were relatively few companies that installed visual demonstrations to show their solutions, so we received a lot of attention for going the extra mile. I think we did well, and that Nota left the exhibition with an enhanced reputation.

The exhibition period involved a lot of work, and late nights.

Hwanhyo – I would agree with that. It was a good opportunity to get real feedback from our customers and peers. Knowing how others perceive our products is vital information for our commercialization efforts.

Not only did we raise awareness of Nota's Edge AI technology, but we helped others understand the importance of AI in the ITS industry. As the industry advances, and autonomous driving becomes more widespread, there will be a need for further innovation. Nota's AI Edge technology can help to accelerate this innovation, with, for example, the digital transformation of traffic data.

Another example could be in AI Safe Crossing solutions. Within industrial safety, 'Heinrich’s Law', is often cited. It shows that before any major accident, dozens of small or minor, and often preventable, accidents happen in the lead up. Through AI Safe Crossing technology, we are able to leverage data to reduce risk. To show the practical use of this, I prepared a live demo. It was nice to show people how this technology can be implemented and commercialized in the real world.

💡 What exactly is Edge AI technology?
Unlike many competitors, it is not a technology that utilizes a typical server or cloud-based AI model. Edge AI deploys AI applications directly on device, such as Raspberry Pi, Jetson, etc. 
To give a more concrete example, Nota DMS allows a driver's monitoring system inside the vehicle to be operated without a link to an external server.

Do you have anything you would like to share from the exhibition?

Wondong – Personally, it inspired me to learn more, and gave me a new direction of personal development for the future. The exhibition was a great chance to listen to practical feedback from others within the ITS industry. As a front-end developer, I plan to dig deeper into traffic indicators and data representation, to increase the quality of output, while simultaneously making it easier to understand.

While it's true not every instance of ITS incorporates AI, there are still many good opportunities available. I want to maximize these opportunities, and offer convenient, efficient solutions that appeal to users.

Nota x Nvidia. Small gifts prepared for the event.

Hwanhyo - I echo a lot of what Wondong has said already. Personally, I enjoyed the experience of collaborating with engineers, project managers and designers across different technologies. Seeing how others work and achieve their goals resonated with me, and I am happy that I got to take part.

Hwanhyo and Wondong discuss the exhibition.



How do you picture the future of the ITS team?

Final question for today. How have the direction and goals of the ITS team changed after participating in the ITSWC?

Wondong – Our goals are to build new solutions based upon the valuable feedback and exchanges we heard at the event. Implementing a successful solution relies not only on our technology, but the satisfaction of our customers. This is something we will keep in the forefront of our minds going forward.

Hwanhyo – I agree with Wondong. I would also add that, ultimately, the goal of the ITS team is to create stable and successful commercial products that reflect our customers requirements to the best of our ability. Attending the ITSWC was a milestone on that journey. Our next immediate aim is to boost commercialization within the next year. One step at a time.

The hard work comes to an end. Celebrating the final day of the ITSWC 2022



For three whole months, the ITS team and their colleagues worked hard to make their ITSWC experience a success. After it was over, they gathered together and basked in the success of their hard work.

Nota is rapidly gaining recognition for its AI technology and unique ITS solutions. Reflecting on the exhibition, we have a renewed and refreshed vision for the future. We look forward to growing as a team, and expanding our market share with customer tailored solutions.

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